
This is why you need a sales up system.

  • Track 100% of traffic to your store. Don’t rely on a CRM entries.
  • According to JD Powers and associates, an average store only logs about 25% of the fresh traffic.
  • A CRM manages the data you input, the Sky Up System maximizes every opportunity.
  • What did your salespeople do with those opportunities?
  • Are your salespeople huddled in a group in front of your store waiting for clients?
  • Are they fighting over customers?
  • Do your salespeople profile customers?
  • Can you find one of them when there is a client waiting?
  • Do you know where your salespeople are right now?
  • How does this look to your clients? Your CSI, and your image?
  • How many “ups” were burned through today, this week, this month?
  • Who is burning through these “ups”?
  • How much advertising money did you spend on those “ups”?
  • Could your sales people be doing something other medical imaging than standing on the “point” waiting for fresh business?
  • Could they be prospecting, networking, contacting previous customers, orphan owners and working the service drive?
  • Are you still using 1950’s technology overhead paging, or using costly personal pagers?


  • If you have any of these issues, we have a low cost solution.
  • We have proven results with dealerships that use our system, doubling outbound calls, more demo’s, write up’s and sales.
  • Typically our clients see 10% to 15% increase in sales.Contact us for a quick 15 minute demo.

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